Edge of Darkness Read online

Page 14

  Sucker was more than strong enough.

  A harsh blow to my neck would sever my spinal column.

  Before I could reach for the blade, Gabriel's hand moved.

  His cold fingers were harsh over mine, forcing them still.

  I found myself back at the start, seated on a lumpy booth in Bane's shoddy bar.

  Others might not have noticed the change in me, thinking my quiet demeanor was due to me being a surly or crazy bitch. I'd been wrong in my earlier thinking. Gabriel had seen everything. He understood the cause of my distress but had given me time to get rid of the thoughts. The woman he loved liked to face her own demons. The mark flared, burning my neck and chest, spearing through me, but the connection was weighed down by the dirty images that had built to a crescendo when I'd visited Hell. Lucifer targeted his objects of desire. That's what the bastard lived for. He only yearned for things he couldn't have, and he'd seen my resolve.

  That kind of thinking vanished.

  I returned to the office earlier in the day.

  I rested on my knees as I gazed up at the vampire I wanted to serve. Light shone down, embracing him like a cloud, and the illuminant beams warmed my skin. I welcomed the creature of the night I adored, knowing he loved me in exactly the same way. The perspective changed, and Gabriel revealed how I looked at his feet, waiting for instruction. Then I experienced the thunder in his heart and the driving need to possess, protect, and keep me within him.

  "You're mine, Rhiannon. You go if and when I tell you. Not before." The vampire I'd given myself to held absolute authority in this time and place. "You do that because I belong to you as well. You've faced hell on earth to prove you'll never let anyone else have me."

  I sank back, clutching the hand he'd placed on my thigh since he'd allowed me to remain in my head despite the newfound and consuming madness. I welcomed the control he had, praising God it was there in the first place, and gave his fingers a hard squeeze. I eased back into the actual world, calmed down, and tried to lick my wounds.

  The entire situation was strange, like I was trapped in a dream.

  "You belong to me. I belong to you." He enforced his prior declaration, keeping his voice level in my mind, although he sounded peeved and aggressive. "Tell me."

  "You belong to me." The words were true. "I belong to you."

  The revelation wrapped around me like a blanket, providing instant calm and complete clarity. No one would have me like Gabriel because I came to him willingly. I surrendered to him because I'd chosen him.

  And it wasn't for nothing.

  My adoration was reciprocated.

  He told me he'd never been with his former lover, Sienna, as he was with me. The urge to dominate and control her had been there, but he'd never caved to it. He'd kept that particular desire at bay. In our time on the water, we'd cast everything aside, finding comfort in each other. I thought it was because we had no choice. Facing what I had, I recognized we were two oddly shaped puzzle portions that, when brought together, created a full piece.

  When someone found their match, they didn't cut and run.

  They embraced what made them complete.

  I collected myself, emboldened by the knowledge, but remained glued to his side. He brought an arm around and tucked me against him. It was a position that calmed me. He held me in the same way on The Minnow when my emotions became too much. I didn't care if I looked like a pansy-ass when I slid my arm behind him, brought my feet up, and draped my legs over his. Gabriel didn't seem to give a shit about a public display of affection either, resting his hand on my thigh.

  Those around us could think what they wanted.

  The witch, warlock, and werewolf didn't matter.

  Conversations resumed as if everything was normal.

  But nothing was further from the truth.

  I loved Gabriel, and he loved me, but Lucifer had made up his mind. The ruler of Hell no longer cared if he lost his fallen angel. She could go and he'd wipe his hands clean.

  His goal had been fulfilled a long time ago.

  Marigold was like a unicorn that had been locked in a cage. She'd remember the one that took her horn, and she'd carry that reminder when he decided to let her go. She'd hold onto the memory of him forever, no matter what she did or where she went. With the damage done, it was time to find someone else, and wouldn't you know it, she'd been placed right in his lap.

  For Lucifer, there was another, more delectable, item on the menu.

  Chapter Eleven

  When we made it home, the shutters over the windows had closed, making the mansion look like a fortress. Morning had officially come, and the family couldn't deal with the rays of the sun. The change in the enormous structure had come courtesy of Marius. Gabriel had no issue with drapes, but his maker wasn't as trusting. He'd had all the windows changed, installing a new level of protection to shield the family. The shutters ran on an automatic timer.

  Bane parked his massive mode of travel and looked into the rearview at Gabriel. "You'll be calling me soon. Don't hesitate when the time comes. I'll have the phone in my hand."

  Gabriel nodded and opened his door.

  I prepared to follow when Bane turned to face me. "If she comes at you again," he said and looked right at me, "do what you did before. Build a memory and launch the fucking thing right at her. From here on in, you fight fire with fire. Give her an inch, and she'll take a mile. Let her know what she can expect if she tries to come here before the bargain is sealed."

  Sounded like a plan.

  Only, without him by my side, I didn't know how that would work.

  "I'm stuck when she does that," I reminded him, trying not to recall when that very thing happened. "When she takes over, I can't do squat."

  His eyes narrowed, and his expression changed, taking him from the Bane who was an asshole to the creature that fubared things with his powers when he chose to. "I wouldn't tell you to do something if you couldn't." His voice had become so deep, it was hard to make out the words. "You do what I told you, girl. Don't give into that bitch without a fight. Don't you dare give into anything without a fight. You're made of stronger stuff."

  Another wave of complete depletion swallowed me.

  My body was utterly fatigued, my mind blitzed.

  Despite that, I found a way to ask, "Will I get a cookie?"

  The ferocity in him vanished, and the change in his features was tremendous. He lost several years when he softened and looked at me differently. He'd always be scary looking, but when affection hit his face it changed everything.

  "I'll do you one better, princess. How does a Scooby Snack sound?"

  He knew me so well.

  "Absolutely perfect." That would mean I'd been able to do what he asked in the first place. "I've got plenty of bad shit to send her way." My fucked-up life made it so. There were plenty of Post-it notes in my head to wad up and throw at her. "If she comes around, I'll give as good as I get."

  "That's what I wanted to hear. Anyone fucks with you, fuck with them right back." He studied me for a second and snapped his head around to look out the windshield. He put his hands on the steering wheel, and his hand created tight fists around it. "Tell that vampire of yours to let you rest. You hit the sack and get as much sleep as you can. Don't worry about other shit. From here on in, you rest when you need rest."

  That didn't make sense. I had a job to do.

  "What about Scott and Joshua?"

  He drew a deep breath before he answered, "You're good for it. It'll be done when it can be done. That's all you need to think about."

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "It means"—he met my gaze in the rearview—"you listen to me. Take what I say at face value. Rest while you can. Keep your strength up. You remember who you are and make it count. The residuals and poltergeists will be sorted when you're ready."

  I wanted to engage in verbal combat but was too tired. Shadows swept around me, tempting me to close my eyes.

  I jus
t want to sleep.

  I didn't respond as I unlatched the safety belt and slid out of my seat, wanting to shower and crash. My body was utterly fucking achy and depleted, my muscles cramping and out of strength. Long shifts at the Black Panther hadn't always easy, but they'd never drained me in the same fashion. Gabriel waited for me, standing beside the gargantuan SUV. He claimed one of my hands after I slithered from the vehicle, closed the door, and stood beside him.

  "I know how exhausted you are," he said softly, guiding me to the house before the sun rose high enough to hurt him, "but another family meeting is about to happen. It's an important one. I told them what was coming, and they're ready." He hesitated, clutching me in a way that didn't feel entirely right. "Do you want to understand what's going on now? Or do you want to ask questions later?"

  Now. I want to know now.

  "What's the meeting about?" I asked, acknowledging sleep would have to wait, placing an arm around his broad shoulders.

  "Everything," he replied, watching me closely as we went up the stairs. "All the things you didn't want to look for."

  I stumbled and thought about using the amulet. The charm's power and been calling to me for hours. I took that option away, determined to make the trip to the house on my own. The bitch who wanted to take my body had made the charm around my neck. The cursed item was part of her. For the first time, I didn't want anything to do with her magic. Despite the necklace's power and allure, I thought it best if the thing stayed away from me.

  He slid an arm around my back, bearing my weight, and helped me walk.

  Spots speckled my vision, making it hard to see.

  Fuck me. I didn't realize I was so unbalanced.

  "They need to know what's about to happen." He didn't like my lack of energy, I sensed that, but he accepted what had to be done. He didn't want more questions, determined to give me answers. "So do you."

  I nodded in response. I was so worn out I couldn't see or think clearly. Whatever had happened with Bane had given me a surge of power. I'd been thankful and absorbed every last bit. Doing so had paid me back with interest. Another person appeared, providing balance on the other side, slipping an arm around my midsection.


  "It took that much out of her?" He didn't sound happy or chipper. I gazed over, bobbing my head to meet his confused eyes, and he frowned. "You said she'd be better, not worse."

  "She was better. There was a complication." The strain in Gabriel's voice was evident. Apparently, he didn't like my lack of strength either. Knowing him, he'd probably had a discussion with Bane before he'd stemmed the flow of Marigold's memories. "She just needs rest."

  My legs were like jelly. I couldn't lift or move my feet.

  When I stumbled again, Gabriel waved Goose back.

  "Stand aside," he said with vehemence in his voice.

  When he hoisted me up, I found I couldn't lift my arms. Had I been like this in the backseat during the drive home? I didn't think so. I'd thought about things that had happened at Bane's bar, but my body hadn't been this sapped.

  What the fuck is wrong with me?

  He climbed the stairs with ease and went through the front door. Goose followed, remaining close behind. One of my arms dangled over Gabriel's shoulder, flopping freely. I didn't like the visual and tried to pull my hand back. My muscles didn't respond.

  Damn it, body. Listen to me.

  I tried again, inserting my will. I ordered the thing to pull itself back, demanding that my body listen. When nothing happened, alarm and awareness swept through me. Bane said to fight fire with fire, but how was that possible? If I couldn't control my bodily functions, I was as good as dead.

  Goose's attention flew to me, and the frown on his face changed, turning into a comforting smile even though his chocolate brown eyes were full of concern. "Don't worry, Rhiannon." He reached out and clutched the hand swishing in front of him, keeping my arm as still as possible. "You're with family. We're ready. We've got you."

  Ready? Ready for what?

  The darkness from before rose out of nowhere, and Lucifer's earlier taunt carried through my ears. It sounded like he was right beside me. "Rhiannon Murphy. So very good to finally meet you."

  I found myself trying to reach the blade that would end everything.

  When I found I couldn't, my muscles paralyzed, I wanted to claw free.

  He'd take me ways Ray had taken Jenny, then he'd up the ante and make that nightmare pale in comparison. He'd make me beg for his attention, but this time I'd actually want it. He wanted to hear the defeat in me and cheer when my will was broken. I'd serve him well in Hell, his willing slave, like a salivating bitch in heat.

  "You're mine, and I'm yours." Gabriel sounded almost frantic in my head. "Tell me, love. Say it."

  "You're mine, and I'm yours." I sent a thought while I tried to speak and discovered my vocal cords had been frozen. The anger that had been part of me since my parent's death tossed a log in the fire. Whatever had come over me had to move the fuck along. I collected myself and struggled to speak.

  "You're mine," I panted the words. "I'm yours."

  "That's right," Gabriel shifted me, forcing me away from Goose's hand. He brought me forward so I could take shelter in his arms. "You don't go until I give you permission. If you do without my say so, I'll never forgive you."

  He strode into the family room with purpose.

  I couldn't see the members clearly. It was nearly impossible to move my head. Despite that, I tried, damning my incapable body. I managed to move just enough that I glimpsed the forms that waited for us. The family usually remained in their designated positions, but I saw those who'd taken a seat rise in a hurry when they saw us. Gabriel urged them back. He didn't go to the fireplace and assume his usual position when addressing the family. Rather he went to the same furniture he'd marked me on. He maneuvered my body so I rested comfortably in his hold and sank to the cushions.

  "It's done," he stated. "We'll find the location now."

  "I don't like this, Gabriel. She doesn't look right. This is all wrong." Nala looked at the area around us. "Her aura is like a stain that spreads." She moved from me with the outrage of a seasoned Valkyrie, her thick hair flowing over her shoulders, narrowing her eyes at the man who cradled me. "You said Bane would help." She didn't sound calm, level-headed, or polite. Her beautiful bluish-green eyes were full of confusion and anger, and she didn't seem at all content. As I digested the look on her face, she stated, "This doesn't look at all like helping. It doesn't come close."

  "I told you ties to Marigold had to be severed to find her body. Her grave would have remained hidden without this step. The good news is it worked." He spoke in a way that made me think he was trying to remind himself of the fact as well. "The power shift has transpired. Demons and their spawn won't threaten us anymore." He exhaled, and his emotions changed. I felt what I thought was a tremor of fury radiating from him. "We can do what needs to be done."

  "So what's the problem?" Peter questioned like everything should be done. He got a good look at me, his glowing amber eyes widened, and he backed up. "You told us to be ready, and we are. Marius is gone. The other houses are too weak to challenge us when the rules change." He paused, gazing at the two of us like he was conflicted. "This is what you wanted."

  "It was what I wanted." Gabriel struggled to admit the rest. "Something happened when Bane used his gift to break the ties that bound them."

  "Meaning?" Peter asked, his apprehension apparent.

  Something rested on the top of my head, and it took a moment to comprehend what it was. Gabriel had placed his chin there and moved it in circular motions over my scalp. He rocked me, but I didn't think he was doing so to help me sleep. It was more like he needed to soothe himself.

  "The one holding Marigold..." Gabriel's voice thickened as he spoke the words. He didn't want to say the name of the one who trapped and held the fallen angel aloud. He didn't dare utter the word. I wanted to endorse the sentiment but
couldn't speak. Only this time my lack of strength wasn't due to control or the mark. "He wasn't supposed to see Rhiannon's memories when Bane took charge and stemmed the flow, but they were full of too much emotion and pain. It called to him, and he took notice. It's why he's willing to release Marigold after all this time." Through our connection and the mark, I felt what Gabriel didn't want to share. Not now. Not with me like this. He knew what had happened when I'd blasted Marigold loose and somehow landed directly in Hell. "We have to find that grave, and we have to find it now. We have to sever the debt."

  "That should happen right away." Goose came into my line of sight. His hair was messy, like he'd just run his fingers through the strands, and he looked worried. "It should only take a couple of weeks."

  "There's no way to know if we have a couple of weeks." The arms around me tightened as Gabriel spoke. He acted like I'd vanish if given a chance. "Locating that grave is of paramount importance now. We have to sever the debt."

  "What aren't you telling us?" Goose wanted information, and he wanted it now.

  "There was something else." I thought Gabriel sounded doomed in saying the truth aloud, because the words made everything real. He didn't want to give the situation that power. "Something I didn't anticipate and wasn't told about."

  "Don't be like Marius. Don't tie us up, hold us down, and keep us confined. You swore you were changing things. Don't stop now." Corey didn't sound at all like his youthful self. Anger and fear carried in his voice. "You can't hide what's in your mind and punish us for not understanding. I don't want to leave, but I won't go back to the way things were."

  "It's not about any of that," Gabriel responded solemnly and stroked my hair. "Lucifer can't take Rhiannon if he doesn't have her soul, and he knows that. For that reason, he will do everything he can to claim that while she's here. He didn't create the bloodline I come from, but one of his children did. The essence within us is the same."

  The mark widened, and it felt like poison was dripping from Gabriel.